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Omgeo creates certainty in post-trade operations through the automation and timely confirmation of the economic details of trades executed between investment managers and broker/dealers. Every day Omgeo enables an efficient community of more than 6,000 financial services clients in 46 countries to manage matching and exception handling of trade allocations, confirmations, and settlement instructions. Omgeo has also extended its trade lifecycle coverage to include counterparty risk management, which supports end-to-end collateralization and reconciliation across multiple asset classes. Leading organizations rely on Omgeo to help manage an increasingly complex investment industry by providing operational stability and solutions that complement the focus on profitability in an era of escalating trade volumes. Across borders, asset classes, and trade lifecycles, Omgeo is the global standard for operational efficiency across the investment industry. Formed in 2001, Omgeo is jointly owned by the DTCC and Thomson Reuters. For more information about Omgeo, please visit
Omgeo 通过自动处理并及时确认投资经理与券商之间所执行交易的经济详情,确保交易后的运作得以顺利进行。Omgeo 每天都为遍及 46 个国家或地区的 6000 余家金融服务业客户提供服务,使他们可以高效地管理交易分配、交易配对和交收指示发送运作中的异常情况的处理。Omgeo 还帮助客户扩大了其交易周期的涵盖范围,将交易对手方的风险管理也纳入其中,即支持跨多个资产类别的端到端的担保金合同管理与对帐。在交易额逐渐增长的时代,许多商家都非常注重收益性,Omgeo 可以提供与此相称的运作稳定性和解决方案,因此赢得了业界领先机构的信赖,可帮助其管理日益复杂的投资行业。无论是在跨境交易、多样化资产类别还是涵盖整个交易周期,Omgeo 为整个投资行业的运营流程树立了全球标准。Omgeo 成立于 2001 年,由 DTCC 和 Thomson Reuters 共同拥有。有关 Omgeo 的更多信息,请访问。
About Thomson Reuters
Thomson Reuters is the world's leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals. We combine industry expertise with innovative technology to deliver critical information to leading decision makers in the financial, legal, tax and accounting, healthcare and science and media markets, powered by the world's most trusted news organization. With headquarters in New York and major operations in London and Eagan, Minnesota, Thomson Reuters employs 55,000 people and operates in over 100 countries. For more information, go to
汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)简介
汤森路透是世界领先的为企业和专业人员提供智能信息的公司。我们将行业专业知识和创新技术相结合,向金融、法律、税务和会计、科学、医疗保健和媒体市场中的主要决策者们提供重要的信息,这些信息由世界上最受信赖的新闻机构制作。汤森路透的总部设在纽约,主要运营地在伦敦和明尼苏达州的Eagan,公司在100多个国家雇用了超过5.5 万名职员。要获得更多信息,请访问 。 |
HSBC provides a comprehensive range of financial services to more than 125 million customers through four customer groups and global businesses: Personal Financial Services (including Consumer Finance); Commercial Banking; Corporate, Investment Banking and Markets; and Private Banking.
HSBC Global Banking and Markets is an emerging markets-led and financing-focused business that provides tailored financial solutions to major government, corporate and institutional clients worldwide. With offices in more than 60 countries and territories, Global Banking and Markets offers clients geographic reach and deep local knowledge.
In HSBC’s Global Markets, the FIX Protocol has been implemented across the four primary asset classes; Equities, Futures, FX and Fixed Income.
HSBC’s cross asset FIX implementation helps customers enjoy the benefits of having a single cost effective connection to HSBC Global Markets enabling them to trade a comprehensive mix of products across a large 102 execution destination footprint.
HSBC is a major user of advanced technology. Its e-business channels include the internet, PC banking and telephone banking via both fixed and mobile phones.
HSBC’s world-class global presence and local accessibility ensure that the Group is well placed to offer a premier service around the world to all its clients, whether corporate, institutional, government or supranationals with all their financing, risk and investment needs. |
Founded in 1995, Hundsun Technologies Inc. is the top software vendor for China's financial services industry.
As the market leader and the only total solution provider in the Chinese capital market, Hundsun employs over 2300 professionals and count over 90% of China's brokerage firms, asset management companies, banks, insurance and pension fund companies as our clients.
Our suite of products includes investment management and trading platforms, compliance, risk-management, retail and e-commerce solutions for both the buy-side and the sell-side institutions.
You can find in China:
• over 30 thousand financial branches are connected through Hundsun platforms
• 3 trillion RMB worth of China securities assets is managed by Hundsun systems
• over 100 million retail and institutional investors conduct transactions using Hundsun solutions
Hundsun is headquarted in Hangzhou and has subsidiaries in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Japan and the United States. For more information, please visit
公司全力打造证券大集中交易平台、金融衍生品综合管理系统、机构投资者的投资交易管理系统(OMS)、登记过户系统(TA)、风险管理系统、资产估值与会计核算系统、呼叫中心、CRM等系列产品;服务于境内90%以上的基金管理公司和保险资产管理公司,80%以上的证券公司,50%以上的信托公司,40%以上的期货公司,以及各主要的商业银行,在软件系统架构设计、产品研发、售后服务等方面,具备强劲的技术实力和竞争优势。 |
Greenline provides superior FIX Protocol and electronic trading technology solutions and services across all asset classes for leading global financial institutions. Greenline’s flagship product suite, VeriFIX®, CertiFIX®, MagniFIX®, MetriFIX®, and Latency Monitor delivers end-to-end global connectivity solutions for any electronic trading environment using or migrating to FIX Protocol. In addition, its premier Professional Services consultancy can evaluate and improve clients’ business strategy and trading technology operations, leveraging its expertise across all connectivity and messaging protocols. With global reach and client experience, Greenline is ideally positioned to meet the demand for connectivity and related trading technology. Greenline Financial Technologies, Inc. is a member of FIX Protocol Limited – North Americas, and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of MarketAxess Technologies, Inc. For more information, please visit
Greenline Financial Technologies
Suite 6601-03, 66th Floor, The Center
99 Queen's Road Central, Central
Hong Kong
Phone: +852 3960 6421
Greenline 为全球领先的金融机构提供卓越的金融信息交换 (FIX) 协议及电子交易技术解决方案,以及涉及所有资产类别的各种服务。Greenline 的旗舰产品系列—VeriFIX®、CertiFIX®、MagniFIX®、MetriFIX®和Latency Monitor 为使用或转用金融信息交换协议的各种电子交易环境提供端到端的全球连接解决方案。此外,其顶级专业服务顾问利用在连接和通讯协议领域的业务专长,可评估及改善客户的商业战略和交易技术运作。Greenline 业务遍及世界各地,拥有丰富的客户服务经验,能充分满足连接性和相关交易技术的需求。Greenline Financial Technologies, Inc. 是 FIX Protocol Limited - North Americas 的成员,也是 MarketAxess Technologies, Inc. 全资拥有的子公司。欲了解更多信息,请访问。 |
UBS Securities Co. Limited
UBS Securities Co. Limited (“UBS-S”) is the first foreign invested securities firm in China with full licenses to conduct businesses including securities brokerage, securities investment consultancy, financial advisory related to securities trading and securities investment activities, securities underwriting and sponsoring, securities proprietary trading, and securities asset management.
The company was officially registered in December 2006 with a registered capital of RMB 1.49 billion. It is established through the restructuring of Beijing Securities. There are a total of six shareholders which include UBS AG (20%), Beijing Guoxiang AMC (33%), China Jianyin Investment (14.01%), COFCO (14%), SDIC (14%), and IFC (4.99%).
UBS-S has five business groups -- Investment Banking, Equities, Fixed Income, Wealth Management, and Asset Management.
瑞银证券有限责任公司(“瑞银证券”)是中国首家外资入股的全牌照证券公司, 经营范围包括证券经纪;证券交易、证券投资咨询;与证券交易、证券投资活动有关的财务顾问;证券承销与保荐;证券自营及证券资产管理。
瑞银证券于2006年12月正式成立,是由北京国翔资产管理有限公司(33%)、瑞银集团 (20%)、中国建银投资有限责任公司(14.01%)、国家开发投资公司(14%)、中粮集团有限公司(14%)、国际金融公司(4.99%) 对原北京证券有限责任公司重组后共同出资组建的新证券有限责任公司。公司注册资本为14.9亿元人民币。
Arista Networks ignited the cloud networking solutions for large-scale data center and low-latency Ethernet networks. Arista offers a portfolio of best-of-breed 10 Gigabit Ethernet switches that set the standard for scalability, robustness, and dramatically changes the price/performance of data center networks.
At the core of Arista's 7000 Family is the Extensible Operating System (EOS™), a ground-breaking network operating system with single-image consistency across hardware platforms, and modern core architecture enabling in-service upgrades and application extensibility.
Arista's team is comprised of experienced management and engineering talent from leading networking companies. Arista designs revolutionary products in California and delivers them worldwide through distribution partners, systems integrators and resellers with a strong dedication to partner and customer success.
For more information about Arista Networks, please visit: or contact
在Arista 7000台交换机的大家庭中,处于核心地位的是可扩展操作系统(EOS),这是具有开拓性的网络操作系统,使得硬件平台之间保持单映像的一致性,还有现代核心架构使服务中软件升级和应用可扩展性成为可能。
Serisys Solutions is showcasing our solutions for:
Multi-Asset Front Office Trading and Risk Management
DECIDE™ provides Chinese brokers’ dealing rooms and their wealth managers with powerful trading support for arbitrage and hedging of Derivatives (e.g. stock index futures), ETFs and Equities, both listed and OTC. With its easy interfacing to a Chinese broker’s existing trading systems, risk management departments may easily monitor integrated market risk and credit risk of their positions regardless of which onshore trading venue or foreign country, orders were routed to. DECIDE’s powerful Structured Products module supports product origination, arbitrage against theoretical pricing, and full support to your wealth management clients. Its algorithmic trading engine is fully integrated.
Low Latency Messaging Routers for Arbitrage and Algorithmic Trading
Solace Systems® routers speed up your trading and provide the next generation of enterprise messaging bus with ultra low latency and ultra high throughput. Wall Street leaders continue to migrate to Solace as they discover their consistent, predictable performance and compelling cost savings.
Serisys is a fast growing firm headquartered in Hong Kong, with offices in Shanghai, Tokyo and Singapore. Serisys provides solutions and IT services to the capital markets and banking industries in China and Asia. For more information see or contact our office directly on (021) 6165 2295 or
DECIDE™ 为中国券商的交易室和财富管理经理提供支持多种金融产品在场内、外交易的超强工具,支持的金融产品包括衍生品 (如: 股票指数期货) 、ETF和股票等的套利和套保。DECIDE™ 可以轻易地接入券商现有的交易系统,使风险管理部门可以轻松地综合监控境内、境外交易的仓盘的市场风险和信用风险。它强大的结构性产品模块支持創設新产品,对理论价格套利,全面满足您的财富管理客户的需求。并已全面整合它的算法交易引擎。
Solace System® 路由器能够为您提高交易的速度,并提供超低延迟和高吞吐量的新一代企业消息总线。它稳定的和可预期的优秀性能、及具说服力的成本效益,令华尔街的先行者都乐意采用。
思新是一家总部设于香港的快速成长企业。在上海、东京及新加坡设有办事处。思新致力于为中国和亚洲的资本市场和银行业提供解决方案和IT服务。欲了解更多信息,请访问 或直接联系我们,联系方式 (021) 6165 2295 或。
Progress Software (NASDAQ: PRGS) is a global software company that enables enterprises to be operationally responsive to changing conditions and customer interactions as they occur—to capitalise on opportunities, drive efficiencies, and reduce risk.
The comprehensive Progress portfolio provides leading solutions for enterprise integration, data interoperability and application development, including SaaS enablement and delivery in the cloud. The Progress® Responsive Process Management suite lets users gain real-time visibility into processes, immediately sense and respond to events, and continuously improve business processes.
The Progress Apama platform for capital markets specialises in algorithmic trading, market aggregation, smart order routing, real-time pricing, market surveillance and monitoring, commodities/energy trading and real-time risk management.
Apama gives firms the tools for creating, testing and deploying unique strategies for low latency, high throughput applications. Progress Apama a market-leading algorithmic trading platform enables both sell-side and buy-side traders to leverage proprietary trading strategies.
Visit - Progress Apama platform for
CameronTec is the financial industry’s leading provider of FIX infrastructure and connectivity solutions. Its market innovation Catalys takes FIX further and is the industry reference for FIX ecosystems. Developed specifically to address the cross-functional needs of sell and buy side firms, exchanges and ISVs, Catalys is a highly adaptive, integrated FIX infrastructure.
Catalys is based on the industry’s most widely installed FIX engine, CameronFIX. CameronFIX is universally regarded as the reference standard for reliable, mature FIX engine applications. It is the outcome of 14 years continuous investment in performance, scalability, interoperability and robustness. CameronFIX is today used by boutique to larger investment firms, brokerage houses, exchanges and regulators in 25 countries, on all five continents.
CameronTec is an Orc Group company and an active Premier Member of the FIX Protocol organization.
CameronTec是奥库集团(Orc Group)旗下子公司,也是FIX协议组织很活跃和重要的成员。
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