
About Omgeosm
At Omgeo, we are the operations expert, automating trade lifecycle events between investment managers, broker/dealers and custodian banks. We enable 6,500 clients and 80 technology partners in 52 countries around the world to process trades in a standardized way according to industry best practice. By automating and streamlining post-trade operations, we enable clients to accelerate the clearing and settlement of trades, and better manage and reduce their operational and counterparty credit risk. Our strength lies in our global community and our ability to enable clients to seamlessly connect and interoperate, while responding to changing market and regulatory conditions. Across borders, asset classes, and trade lifecycles, Omgeo is the global standard for operational efficiency. Formed in 2001, Omgeo is jointly owned by the DTCC and Thomson Reuters. To learn more, please visit www.omgeo.com.

关于 Omgeosm
Omgeo 的员工均为业务专家,致力于为投资经理、经纪商/交易商和托管银行服务,让三者之间的交易生命周期事件得到自动化处理。在我们的努力下,使全球 52 个国家/地区的 6500 位客户和 80个技术合作伙伴实现了无缝连接和交互操作。通过自动化和简化交易后业务,我们使客户能够更快完成交易的清算及结算,并更好地管理和降低交易对手风险和信用风险。我们的实力源于遍布全球的社区网络,并且能够在应对不断变化的市场和监管状况的同时,调整解决方案以使客户的投资策略获得明确回报。不管在哪个国家、处理哪种资产类别,还是参与交易生命周期的哪一环节,Omgeo 都树立了投资行业高效运营的全球标准。Omgeo 成立于 2001 年,由美国存管信托及结算公司 (DTCC) 和汤森路透 (Thomson Reuters) 共同所有。如需了解更多信息,请访问 www.omgeo.com


About Kx Systems

In a world where the amount of information is exploding at exponential rates, the type of data that is truly important is that which can be continually operated on: storing, analyzing, reporting — and all in real time. The databases containing this information comprise billions and trillions of numerical records, making them a staple not only of the financial industry, but also of government, telecommunications, and scientific research. Kx Systems kdb+ database technology allows corporations to operate on these databases in remarkably fast and efficient ways, making this capability an ever more valuable corporate asset, and, often, a distinct competitive advantage. For more information visit www.kx.com.


Kx 是领导高性能时间序列数据库技术的供应商,目的是为了解决一个简单的问题:传统的关系数据库技术已无法跟上不断上升的数据量。时至今日,这个问题变得更为严峻,特别是在金融业,数据记录以万亿计 --- 但企业仍需要立即访问实时和历史数据,作为交易、风险管理、法规遵守以及其他分析等用途。自1993年Kx 公司创立以来,Kx的唯一目标就是为客户提供能最快、最有效和最灵活的工具去处理实时和历史数据。这一专注,使我们成为高容量、高性能数据库的全球领导者。欲知详细资料,请浏览 www.kx.com.


About Equinix
Equinix, Inc. (Nasdaq: EQIX), connects more than 4,000 companies directly to their customers and partners inside the world’s most networked data centers. Today, businesses leverage the Equinix interconnection platform in 31 strategic markets across the Americas, EMEA and Asia-Pacific.

Asia is the fastest growing region for Equinix, where we currently have 17 International Business ExchangeTM (IBX®) data centers, following the recent acquisition of the Hong Kong-based data center provider, Asia Tone. Through the additional 6 data centers and one disaster recovery center, Equinix provides deep local knowledge and premium data center facilities for customers seeking to expand their business in China. Our global Platform Equinix footprint covers all 16 of the world’s top financial centers and contains the world’s most robust and mature financial ecosystem with 99.9999% uptime.


关于 Equinix
Equinix, Inc.(纳斯达克代码:EQIX)在其全球联网最多的数据中心内将超过 4,000 多家公司直接与其客户和合作伙伴连接起来。如今,企业可以充分利用 Equinix 跨美洲、欧洲、中东和非洲以及亚太地区 31 个战略市场的互连平台。亚洲是 Equinix 增长最快的地区,继近期收购香港数据中心提供商 Asia Tone 后,我们目前在亚洲已拥有 17 个 International Business ExchangeTM (IBX®) 数据中心。通过新增的 6 个数据中心和一个灾难恢复中心,Equinix 可为寻求扩大其中国业务的客户提供深厚的本地知识和优质的数据中心设施。我们在全球的 Platform Equinix 业务范围覆盖全部 16 个世界顶级金融中心,包含全球最强大、最成熟的金融生态系统,正常运行时间达 99.9999%。



Founded in 1995, Hundsun Technologies Inc. is the top software vendor for China's financial services industry. As the market leader and the only total solution provider in the Chinese capital market, Hundsun employs over 3000 professionals and count over 90% of China's brokerage firms, asset management companies, banks, insurance. trust and pension fund companies as our clients.
Our suite of products includes investment management and trading platforms, compliance, risk-management, retail and e-commerce solutions for both the buy-side and the sell-side institutions.
You can find in China:

  • over 30 thousand financial branches are connected through Hundsun platforms
  • 10 trillion RMB worth of China assets is managed by Hundsun systems
  • over 100 million retail and institutional investors conduct transactions using Hundsun solutions

Hundsun is headquarted in Hangzhou and has subsidiaries in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Japan and the United States. For more information, please visit www.hundsun.com.




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